This Weekend (starting Friday night) is an event called Launch48.

I wanted to highlight this because if you have not attended an event like this or a startup weekend then this is something you need to do!

I have no affiliation with these guys other than the fact I attended last year and thought it was one of the best 'startup' experiences of my life! After this event, I was truly hooked on all things startup!

On the Friday everyone gathers, and anyone with an idea goes to the front and pitches their idea, everyone votes until there is 4 or 5 ideas left and then you join the team that interests you.

For the next 54 hours you work non stop on building a business around this idea with your group, stopping periodically to pitch your progress with a group of mentors who give you feedback on how to improve the product. By the end we were so excited we were looking to form a company!

I truly believe that regardless of your background whether it is sales, marketing, design, finance, you will see what it is like to build a business with incredible momentum and excitement- you will see what startups are all about! This is the beauty of Launch48 you do not need to be tech savvy (although it helps) because every business needs a team with a different skill set to succeed.

Highly recommended.