14 ways to regain your focus

Recently I have come across this saying a couple of times...


...and wanted to explore it, because I sometimes find myself consuming more media than I create.

I am particularly absorbed at the moment by the incredible content being shared across various facebook groups, particularly growth hacking, so I justify the amount of time spent by putting it down to 'education'.

If I am learning it must be good? A healthy habit? It's arguable.

Reading and consuming media about building your personal brand and growth hacking are fantastic subjects to be knowledgeable about, but, theory without practice perhaps renders it useless?

So let's look at a few ways in which you can re-train yourself to get back to focusing on the creating, after all, creating content whether that is writing, designing, streaming video or whatever else you love to do should be your number one priority.

Creating content is how you build your brand, your community, and ultimately sell your product and or service.

Don't join the ranks as a broke entrepreneur - being broke and being an entrepreneur are two things that are not meant to go hand in hand.

Also just to be crystal clear, and to hammer this point home - creating content is completely necessary to growth hacking as it underpins the majority of growth hacks outside of data scrapping.

You will only get so far being the greatest curator of all-time.

You need a steady stream of original content and then you leverage it.

So here are a few tips to get you back to being your less-frantic self, focused on conquering the world - and creating wonderful content.

Sleep - In an interview with Hapi (Australian nootropics company) founder John Mitchell revealed to me his number one tip for bio-hacking, ie improving your productivity, and performance and that was simply getting more sleep!

Do not look at your phone the moment you wake up - This was a tip from Collective Campus co-founder Steve Glaveski and it works. If you look at your phone the moment you wake up, your head starts racing and you have already set yourself up to start thinking about work.

Drink Green Matcha Tea or Mushroom Coffee - Get your daily dose of focus with nootropic coffee or the clean caffeine and hit of natural energy from Green Matcha Tea. Try Melbourne's own Matcha Maiden if you have not already tried a brand of Green Match Tea - you will love me for it.

Meditate - If there is one common thread between the majority of superstar entrepreneurs it's meditation. Take ten minutes to get your head clear and to focus on what's important. Green Tea is also the perfect compliment to your morning mindfulness routine.

Exercise for 7mins - The goal is 20mins a day and the health benefits are numerous, but if you do not have the time, 7 mins is better than nothing - so try any number of 7 minute workout apps that give you a set of intense back to back exercises with 30sec breaks in between.

If you can pull 3 rounds then you ticked the box on 20mins and are you well on your way to a healthier you.

Gif when you go over time on Stay Focusd

Use chrome extensions to block sites - If social media sites, fashion magazines, or online window shopping is a problem for you try chrome extensions like stay focusd to deter you from unlimited browsing time.

If you find yourself constantly uninstalling the extension to have just another five minutes on Facebook - you are basically fucked! Just kidding get yourself a stronger, encrypted extension.

Use Chatbots - Meet your new digital representation. An always happy, welcoming robot, that has been instructed by you to handle customer service, pre-sell your products, and invite visitors to your site or social accounts to take the next step in your funnel - whatever that may be. Try ManyChat for an out of the box solution or Ingenious.AI for a bespoke product / experience.

Create processes - Processes are fun, like a hole in the head! But mapping out processes for either virtual assistants or chatbots to perform will help you far beyond the initial aggrevation of mapping them out and setting them up! Take the time to do them right and you will at least have part of your business running on autopilot.

Have one to do list - Are you someone that has a list in Gmail tasks, another one in your CRM, another one in your momentum chrome tab, and yet another one that is handwritten on paper?! Get it together and choose one list to rule them all.

Join accountability groups - Recently I joined the fit founders facebook group (Don't worry - social media is not the enemy, and this just takes a few moments to participate in), the premise of the group is that each member is required to work out twice a week, and take a selfie of themselves at the gym once a week. If you do not fulfil this obligation then you are ousted from the group.

Now, when you are not in peak physical condition taking a selfie at the gym can be daunting but overall I love the group because I am now committed to making the time to getting those workouts in (or there are consequences) and I am also surrounded with like-minded individuals that have also made the same commitment all with the mutual goal of getting fit. Isn't that wonderful?

Turn off the screens two hours before bed - One hour before bed try your best to wrap it up and turn off the screens. The blue light emitted from your personal computer and mobile is detrimental to a good night's sleep.

Try the Light Phone - Are you constantly being harassed by your love one to 'put the fucking phone down'? Well, it turns out you are not the only asshole out there.

There are millions of us upsetting loved ones, ruining dinners, and even moments with our kids (you are the lowest) - but the validation of complete strangers can wait!  Light Phone is the perfect way to reclaiming your present moment and letting everyone know that you give a shit about their company. It is a small minimal phone that only allows you to make calls, and only calls - how marvellous. So check it out.

Use LIVE video - LIVE video is the ultimate tool for creators, sure you may be terrible to start, but there is something beautiful about not having the ability to edit or rethink your pitch. You have one chance to nail it, and with every video you create, the better your videos will get and be received by your audience. Facebook loves live video, so get started by introducing yourself to our community.

Sleep - Repeat step one. Chances are if you continually work extreme hours you already know that your productivity starts to slip. Ever worked for a few hours and think to yourself, what the hell did I just get done? Go to bed, it can wait.

SLEEP - was the number one bio-hacking tip for entrepreneurs from the founder John Mitchell of Hapi (Natural Cognitive Supplements Australia)

Hopefully, these tips were enough to get you moving or inspired to start something new. If not, you may have missed something - just read it again, they are gold :)

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